Wiring Harness for Fender Strat - Blender

Regular price $83.16

STARR GUITAR SYSTEMS replacement electronics for Fender Stratocaster BLENDER Upgrade!

Strat Blender Wiring is a unique and simple way to achieve multiple Strat pickup configurations and tones without drilling holes for switches and push pull pots. It uses a custom made CTS Blender Pot that acts as a True Bypass in the circuit when turned completely clockwise. A regular pot wouldn’t work for this application because you would still hear the other pickup bleed through. Here’s how it works...
A Standard 5-Way Strat has 1 volume and 2 tones. The Blender wiring has 1 volume, 1 master tone, and a Blender pot. In the neck position you can blend the bridge pickup in as much as you want. In the bridge position you can blend the neck pickup in as much as you want. In positions 2 and 4 you can have all three pickups on at once. The nicest part about it is the fact of it being so user friendly. (thanks to MOJOTONE for the blender wiring info)

Included in each SGS Fender Stratocaster FSB "Blender" System:
1) Master Volume Control; CTS vintage style 250K audio pot 
1) Master Tone Control; CTS vintage style 250K audio pot
1) Blender Control; CTS vintage style 250K audio pot
1) USA made CRL 5 way pickup selector switch
1) Orange Drop capacitor, .022 uf.
6) Vintage style push back BLACK (ground) and White (hot) cloth covered wires, 22 gauge
1) Switchcraft #11 input jack with heat shrink strain relief on both terminals
1) Wiring diagram (see photo section)
1) Assembly template board

Each set is assembled, hand wired and soldered in the USA using premium parts. Upgrade your import Stratocaster electronics, or replace your old worn out parts with these premium replacement units! Simply attach your pickup wires, input jack wires, and bridge ground wire and you are ready to rock! All sets are signed by Dave Starr and have their own serial number.